Sustainable development sounds all good and nice until you realize that it means the city, county and federal governments are all working together to eliminate your middle class way of life. It means that middle class families and rural landowners will lose their land and homes, and the seized land will be "restored to it's original state," so the elites can enjoy wildlife and camping in the manufactured wilderness. Meanwhile, you will be shuttled into high density vertical housing sprawl, as opposed to horizontal sprawl that eats up precious land where Bambi lives. These micro apartments will "make good use of shared space" and will be close to mass transit. There will be no garages for cars and you will be forced to walk, ride your bike or use mass transit. Meanwhile, the rich elite, will live on large spaces of land in large homes. They won't be forced into these cages to live because they have too much money.
What is our way of life going to look like? We won't be able to afford the carbon emission taxes, higher property taxes, ObamaCare taxes, and all the taxes they are stealing from us. The government also has their eye on your 401K and IRA's. Yes, it's true. It has been planned that the government plans to confiscate your IRA's and 401K's. How will you retire? Maybe that's their plan to force you into these micro apartments.

I read your article and had a vision of a photo I once saw of the ghettos in the USSR. Where an entire family was crowded into their small apts. Entire means 8 or more, sleeping like cord wood. Just more control we don't need.
ReplyDeleteIt's all most too much to fathom happening here. I can't imagine 8 crowded up like that.
DeleteBTW, love your pizza oven! I made need to get more details on making one. We have a vendor at our local outdoor market that has a portable one. I may need to take some pics of his and do some research. It would be neat to be able to put a dutch oven into the stove and cook that way, too.
Me either, sometimes our house is too small for just the the Moose and I! Not really, but sometimes you just need a space of your own. I can't imagine living like this. I go stir crazy in our camper for the weekend.
DeleteI'll be trying my dutch oven and cast iron pans in there too. I'll keep you posted.
There are many things wrong with this, but the one that really gets me is the fact that if a "regular" citizen wanted to build a micro-home, they wouldn't be allowed to. But it's just fine for the State to do so.
ReplyDeleteOMG, you are so right! I hadn't even thought about those that would want to build homes that size, but I have read about people doing that and I am sure they would have more red tape and hoops to jump through. But, of course, Bloomberg is waiving zoning regulations.
Deleteliving in a micro home is a whole lot different than living in what bloomberg is wanting to build. at least with a camper or a micro home you can still step outside and get some fresh air, have a small yard/garden etc...i would think that big cities that have those high rise public housing apartments would have learned their lessons already about packing people in like sardines. my house is only about 1400 square feet-counting the sundecks and the back porch...and now there is just my hubby and me living in it...i like small, but i like freedom to move around too.
ReplyDeleteGood point. And being able to move around and have some space is important. I have a smaller house, too. But I have 10 acres to roam around on. Our camp trailer is 26' so it would be like living in our camp trailer, but without having our awning and camp chairs to sit out on. It would be like being in the camp trailer, 24/7. People are not designed to live in cramped quarters, so close to other people, without having our dignity pulled from us.
DeleteTell Bloomberg to blow it out his assets.
ReplyDeleteWell put, Rob, my friend!!
DeleteBe like living in a coffin. OH, wait, that's where they want all the old people anyway. I think I'd take a long walk in bear country covered in honey before I could live in one of those things with no outside space to wander.
ReplyDeleteXa Lynn
Creepy to thinks about, isn't it?
DeleteLooks more like a cruise ship cabin than an apartment. I'm w/everyone else, doesn't matter the living space as long as you have the great outdoors to wonder in.