We did manage to put 20 potatoes in the garden and I finally planted some green beans and peas today. Yesterday, DH and I put some boards along the bottom of the fence and strung up some string for the beans to climb. We had corn in there last year, but failed to thin it and had stumpy corn. I salvaged what I could, and I hope the green beans and peas do better. One section is next to the mint, so I am hoping that the mint will not cause any kind of growing problems for the beans. I think mint has a bad reputation, and I don't want to find that our for myself. I have no idea what kind of yield to expect. We eat a lot of green beans that I can up and freeze. I usually buy a 25# box at the farmers market and can them. I guess I planted about 40 seeds.
As you can see my strawberries are starting to come on. I've noticed that some of the leaves are turning blackish-brown. Not sure what causes this or how to remedy it. Suggestions?
My rhubarb was prolific last year and started coming up just fine and in the matter of about a week to 10 days, the leaves are full of holes, reddish and dead or dying. I can only find some ants and some flying things that look like little ants with wings. I read that ants can eat the roots of rhubarb, but the damage seems to come from above ground. Ideas anyone? I will miss my rhubarb this year.
ReplyDeleteHey there, I love what you did with the string for your beans. I'm not sure about the strawberries. Sometimes it could be a fungus and other times it could be the lack of calcium and magnesium in the dirt. That is some beautiful looking rhubarb.
Hi Sandy,
DeleteI think the string will work out well. About my rhubarb, though, it should have large, green leaves, not these horrible red ones. It is not doing well and I am not sure what is wrong, ants, maybe. I sprinkled some ant dust around the base of the plant. Wish me luck!
the problem you are having with your strawberries and your rhubarb may just be weather related..this has been such a weird weather year so far and it has done some really strange things to peoples gardens..my gardens have survived so far and are producing, but the plants themselves seem somewhat stunted. i wish i could grow some rhubarb but it does not get cold enough here for it to thrive. your green beans should do well-it is hard to fail with greenbeans unless you totally neglect them and even then, they are a forgiving plant. we have problems with "fire ants" here in n.e. mississippi but this summer a new product has been developed to help get rid of them..it is a non toxic dust like stuff that you pour down the ant hill cap and then follow that with one to two gallons of water. the dust like stuff adheres to the ants and gets passed on to other ants in the hill..and causes the ants to dehydrate..so far it is working really great! the stuff is sold by the case of 12 bottles of the stuff for $35.00 and each bottle of the stuff can handle about 3-4 ant hills. almost too good to believe, but a a believer i have become.the only thing bad about mint is it can take over a gardenspot almost as bad as a weed...best to plant mint far away from other stuff..but if you have to deal with it in the garden then keep it cut back and thinned real good. mint makes a really good ground cover like under a tree where you cant get anything else to grow or in a container. by the way, how is your dog? better, i am hoping.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are right about the weather. It has been so cool and rainy this spring. Seriously, we have had maybe 4 days in the upper 70's, lower 80's and that was 2 weeks ago. I have never seen rhubarb with red, holey leaves that are drying up before. It grew very well in southeast Alaska where I grew up, so I would think it would be thriving. I sprinkled some ant dust (Tesoro) around the base and hope it will be salvageable.
DeleteI was only half joking with DH today when I told him I was going to place a space heater out with the green beans and peas so the soil will be warm enough for the seeds to germinate. Time will tell.
Thanks for asking about Cooper. Yesterday, he seemed to have a slight limp again and was licking his forepaw. Today, he seems well, bright and chipper. I hope it will pass and he is okay.
yeah, we have had very unseasonable weather...in the 80's and 90's then down into the 40's and 50's..a lotta rain in short periods of time and long spells in between of dry weather. we have also had lots of damaging winds too. almost have to watch the weather channel just to know how to dress for the day :). Cooper might just be feeling his age. my sharpei miss daisy is just turning nine and that is entering her golden years for her breed..and i see it every evening when i call her indoors for the night...she comes up those steps mighty slow-any slower and she would be creeping up on her belly.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of winds, we have had 30-40 mph sustained winds all day today. When do we get to wear shorts?
DeleteYes, Cooper may be starting in on that phase of his life. He will be 6 the first week of Sept. He is not limping now, but doesn't seem quite as perky. Maybe because of the weather... who knows. I hope Miss Daisy keeps on going well and keeps her spirit up.